5 skills needed to get work done
Ever wondered how some people seem to be able to get so much done, even when they don’t focus on one thing at a time?
This does require skills, but not skills in all areas. Some people are just better at working with others that have the skills they don’t have.
To harness the power of collaboration, you have to admit you don’t have skills in certain areas, but also know what you are good at. Otherwise, what help are you to anyone?
This eBook breaks down the Core Skills for Work that are in the Australian national recognized training Vocational Qualifications under the section “getting the work done”.
It’s not just about what you are good at, it’s about what you love doing. If you do what you love, you are more interested. So you learn faster, and it is likely that you are already better than average at it, even if you don’t think so. It may seem too simple to be a skill to you, but that is also an indicator that you have natural skills in that area.
Use it, or lose it. This eBook tells you what to use, who to look for if you don’t want to do it, and how they can help you.
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