Start up package

be a star on social

People do want to hear from YOU...

what's your story?

Your why...

Money is not your why! What you do with the money is. That's what motivates you, and what people want to know.

What you do...

When you lay your business out on a 1 page canvas, it is easy to see what to do (click the $ icon for an example). Effective marketing takes into account key collaborators and activities, who you provide value to, plus cost structure and revenue streams so you don't become an unintentional NFP.

what people like...

People like people that they think are like them. Advertise your belief, and be authentic. If people don't like you, they are likely not going to be a customer. It may feel like herding cats; how do you do that? Easy. It just depends on where you put their food, but it has to be food they like. When you go fishing, you don't waste time teaching fish how to bite. That's what we believe.

how you do it...

This is how you make money out of what you do. We analyse the market forces and focus on what make you money. Even Not For Profits (NFPs) have to generate an income.

Why trust you...

In a competitive market, people research options before talking to you. People want you to answer to how you can help them, and usually know what your competitors do better than you do. People are looking for you to give before you get something from them. For example, click the smile icon to see where this fits in a sales funnel.

Get to know you...

People ask "what else do you have?". It is a lot more expensive getting new customers, and retention and upselling come post-sales. If repeat customers don't need what you do, they will find someone that does. Word of mouth is one of the best forms of marketing, but you have to give others things worth sharing. Then other can do the sales for you. That's the power of networking.

buddies recommending me

Want to know the big answer to the question why? Brett’s knowledge and passion is answering this short but BIG question. If you want substance, Brett will take care of you.
Brett’s experience is spanning over 20 years in franchise and business support, with last 5 years in RTO training compliance. How do I know? Because I'm Brett. If didn't recommend my services to my friends, I shouldn't offer them to others. You have to know what you can deliver.
Brett O'Connor
Founder Oz VA Network
"Brett created gorgeous little promotional videos as teasers for my book launch. They were right on target for each social media channel and over 80% of viewers watched them right through to the call to action at the end. Brett really cares about getting the right message out there for his clients"
Comment on a client's video Ad we made up:
"you are one talented motha f...".
Client's reply : " thank you, but its my team that is the talent behind this little teaser".

Are you ready to get things done?

Are you talking the talk, but not getting action? Maybe you just need to refocus. Read on our sign up page all the basics you need to be doing first. We want to know what we can do for you right now, then we can see all the other stuff you want to do. Why wait? your customers don't wait for you...

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