Online Courses
Just because it's online, doesn't mean you are on your own!
We have Special Facebook groups to chat and ask questions, zoom meetings, plus all the videos and ask you questions when you do each section and monitor your answers, so you can just say it as you do the course and don't have to wait to talk to us. Just means you do it all in your own time.
But you can call us if you want to, or email hello@ozva.com.au. Check out what is available right now:
Yes, I want to see the list... click here!
Plus we provide the same training that business owner get on using the latest technology. Most of it you are may already be using, it's just we'll show you how to use it better. Check out all the stuff we already have on our Facebook page.
The network is backed up with the training and support you need to work from home, without feeling isolated no matter where in the country you are, and you can even work towards a formal qualification. We train trainers too.

Job Seekers
Does this sound like you?.... “I’d love some part-time work but I’m worried that I don’t have any recent experience, my skills are not up-to-date – I haven’t worked for years!...Who is going to employ me? What do I have to offer?”
Employers tell us that the main things they look for are communication skills, digital skills, eg social media and time management skills.
We are here to give you both the competence, and the confidence, to go for the job you want. Click on what you like below.