Editing Videos into share-worthy content


Repurpose your video content

We’ll give you the formula so you know what to say, all you have to do is talk about what you do. Simple!

SKU: Video Category:


Repurpose your video content

You get the formula of what to say, so all you have to do is talk about what you do. Simple!

Get a 2 to 3-minute information video, with overlaid photos and links if you like too, to convert leads into sales without all the extra bits people don’t need to know. Plus, a 30-second promotional video to hook people and direct them to your longer videos, and you still have your full video to use for more information too.

3 videos for different purposes.

How do you get your videos edited?

  1. Do your Facebook live/mobile phone video as normal
  2. Tag the OZVA Facebook page in the video comments on Facebook; or email us the Youtube link; or share it from your dropbox or Google drive.
  3. Send us up to 3 Images to overlay (plus your logo), or 20 seconds of “B roll” video footage, with instructions on the comments it relates to.
  4. Sit back, relax, and we’ll get it back to you in the next 2 days

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