

Repurpose your videos (including Facebook Live) into promotion ads, info sessions, Youtube captioned videos, blogs, flyers, inspirational quotes. You don’t have to re-invent the wheel; find out which vehicle you can put it on – Book today.

SKU: Repurp-1 Category:


Think it’s too hard to repurpose content for social media?

Why don’t you use the same stuff across different platforms?

We are not talking about re-inventing the wheel, repurpose it… You’ll learn in this workshops which cars you can put the wheels on to get a business moving along nicely!

It sounds simple…. That because it is… when you know how.

You’ll see, and do, the simple stuff used by professionals to turn even facebook live videos into:

  • Promotion videos ads
  • Info sessions, product promotion
  • Youtube Videos with captions
  • Blogs and updating webpages
  • Flyers and Advertising copy
  • Inspirational photos and quotes

Or you if you love writing, go the other way, and turn your blogs into a video, then into a book. Will even give you the structure to make your own online course.

Sounds too hard? You only need basic computer skills to do all of this, including when you make adjustments to websites.

If you can use the internet, Facebook, and copy and paste text, that is all the skills you need to come to this 1/2 day workshop. You even get to practice it in the workshop

You can make up an example webpage with a video testimonial of your skills in the workshop, and email the link to prospective employers/clients.

We help small business by finding people that love what they do, and matching them with people that need their skills, so they can help each other, and you can even work from home.

Small Business Owners Need YOU! right here, right now!


Want an example?

This ad was made by repurposing footage from a 15 min Facebook Live video.

We know you can do better than this guy!

We’ll show you what to look for and edit a Facebook live video (up to 10 mins in length) into a 3-minute information video (with overlaid photos and links), plus edit it into a 30-second promotional video that relates to a product/service/event you have available.

A 3-minute video can give you 500 to 600 words to repurpose into a blog, and you don’t have to re-write it, just download the auto-captions.

You can include this in your Post plan for the next week, and you are almost there with your video content.

Still not sure? Always happy to chat on Facebook at

$49.00Add to cart

Face to face workshops are also run from Brisbane City training center; perfect for when the kids are at school. You can use the skills to find a job that fits in with your family life too.

Download your free core skills for work checklist when you book and what other skills you might have.


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