
Why use your time?

We’ll sift through the thousands of templates and find popular ones to match what you do and do up the inspirational quotes and promotional ads for you.


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Are you creating a job or a business?

Freelancers are not doing a job, it is their business. It can be casual ad-hoc work, part-time, or even full-time contractor work. The difference is, you set your hours.

If you have someone setting regular hours that you have to work for you, the ATO says that’s an employee; so how do you create a freelance and get regular work?

Great Question!

This is what you learn in this course. You may be good at what you do, but business is about getting paid for what you are good at.

In this course you will learn:

  • Your Skill level and what to charge
  • Core skills to get work done
  • what is YOUR ideal client
  • How to write a professional Bio

You not only get a 4-hour workshop for us to take you through step by step what to do, how to do it, and actually do it. You also get other resources to keep and use, such as:

  • eBook on skills development, such as getting work done and Entrepreneurial skills (and we show you how to create your own
  • Templates and tools used by Freelancers, and show you how to use them
  • Surveys and questions to ask clients so you don’t waste your time with “bad clients”.

Book your workshop today and we will start sending out the pre-reading for your workshop so you can maximise your time and get more done at the workshop. (allow 4 to 6 weeks to arrange the date, time, and location of the workshop.


$397.00Add to cart


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